13 research outputs found

    Education, earnings, and inequality in Brazil, 1982-98 - implications for education policy

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    The educational attainment of Brazil's labor force, has gradually increased over the past two decades. At the same time, the government has pursued a series of economic structural adjustment policies. The authors investigate how these simultaneous advances have altered the relationship between labor market earnings, and education. They find that the returns to education in the labor market, fundamentally changed between 1982, and 1998. While the returns to tertiary education increased sharply, the returns to primary education dropped by 26 percent, and those to lower secondary, by 35 percent. Moreover, the authors argue, the marginal reduction in wage inequality that occurred in this period was linked primarily to a reduction in the returns to schooling, and only secondarily, to a more equitable distribution of schooling. The findings suggest that the supply of highly skilled labor is inadequate to meet demand. That suggests a need for policy action aimed at increasing access to, and completion of tertiary education. Increasing the supply of highly skilled labor, would improve prospects for both economic growth, and reduce wage inequality.Public Health Promotion,Curriculum&Instruction,Decentralization,Teaching and Learning,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Teaching and Learning,Curriculum&Instruction,Gender and Education,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Girls Education

    Approaches to results-based funding in tertiary education : identifying finance reform options for Chile

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    Unrealized potential exists for increasing accountability and transparency in Chilean tertiary education by allocating resources based on achieved results rather than historical precedence and political negotiation. Against this background, the authors profile approaches to results-based funding of tertiary education to identify efficacious finance reform options for Chile. International experience shows that financing by results is not a ready-made concept, but a broad label that offers a menu of design options. To decipher results-based funding, the authors cover all phases in designing and implementing a results-based funding system and highlight strengths and weaknesses of concepts, such as taximeter funding, performance contracts, and formula-based allocations.Public Health Promotion,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Decentralization,Teaching and Learning,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Gender and Education,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Curriculum&Instruction,Teaching and Learning

    International Mobility of Researchers and Scientists: Policy Options for Turning a Drain into a Gain

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    High demand for researchers and scientists has led to an increase in skilled migration in recent years. The paper focuses on improving our understanding of the push and pull factors affecting the migration decisions of researchers and scientists from developing countries and discusses policy options for maximizing the potential gains associated with international mobility of advanced human capital. Evidence suggests that a reasonable salary level should be guaranteed but that return decisions of researchers and scientists are primarily shaped by factors such as the quality of the research environment, professional reward structures and access to state-of-the-art equipment. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Passiflora tryphostemmatoides and its allies

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    Volume: 60Start Page: 119End Page: 12

    A generic treatment of Alismatidae in the Neotropics with special reference to Brazil

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    A Subclasse Alismatidae nos neotrópicos é composta de nove famílias com 11 gêneros das quais, nove ocorrem na bacia amazônica e cinco no Brasil extra-amazônico. Apenas duas famílias não estão presentes no Brasil e mais duas ausentes da Amazônia brasileira. Este trabalho apresenta descrições detalhadas das famílias e gêneros, além de comentários sobre distribuição geográfica dos gêneros. As famílias estão organizadas na sequência sistemática que nós aceitamos. Os gêneros de cada família estão organizados em ordem alfabética i=sem significado sistemático. Fornecemos desenhos de pelo menos um gênero para cada família. Referências importantes -- tais como revisões genéricas, levantamentos da literatura, ou monografias de áreas neotropicais — estão relacionadas no início de cada tratamento a nível de família. As excelentes coleções do Projeto Flora Amazônica foram de importância decisiva para nosso trabalho-, sem elas não poderiamoi fazer um tratamento genérico completo para toda a região neotrópica